Bulk Email Marketing on the Internet

Bulk email marketing as an advertising campaign

Should you use bulk email as an advertising campaign?


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Bulk Email Marketing

©  2006 David Peterson

I'm only a businessman not a lawyer or politician. I don't condemn or condone bulk Email marketing.

This is what I know for a fact: People hate advertising. It doesn't matter if it's a TV commercial, a banner advertisement, a radio spot, a billboard, or a single email advertisement - it doesn't matter what medium is delivering the advertisement. Somebody somewhere hates the ad. 

Bulk Email Marketing has been given a public black eye. Most of it is deserved. Millions upon million of Viagra emails, weight loss emails, or even worse, "sexy hot girls next door"; emails have literally stunned the Email using public. This type of Email is called UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email).

Basically we are so tired of hitting our delete button that Bulk email Marketing is quickly loosing its effectiveness. On one of my own sites the general Email box is so filled with junk that I currently have over 1,900 emails that need to be deleted. Personally I don't complain, I just hit the "delete all" button.

I still believe that Bulk Email Marketing can be a huge boost to your business. HOWEVER, that huge boost can only be achieved if your email list is generated in legitimate ways.

Legitimate ways means that if you just purchased 1 million email names for $19.00 you are probably in serious trouble. For starters you can probably expect your website to be shut down in about 2 hours after sending out your first bulk email marketing campaign. Hosting companies do not mess around with people connected to "UCE" (Unsolicited Commercial Email). Secondly the search engines will probably drop your site due to SPAM complaints. Finally, some very mean people will be calling your home. I mean very scary and very mean people.

People are passionate about SPAM. People who hate SPAM will find you. Beginners don't even think about this point. There is a lot of information on the web. If you SPAM you will be found.  

Legitimate email means that the people receiving your email are expecting to receive some mail from you periodically. Legitimate means that the Email list is at least "double opt-in." if not "triple opt-in." Also the people who want to "Opt Out" of your list have an easy way to do just that.

The good news is that all of the UCE (SPAM) in the world is making Email marketing less cost effective. Eventually the SPAM issue will be solved with a postage type of delivery. This means that every email that you send will cost you a few pennies. This will keep the mass SPAMMERS out of your Email box. Or a less drastic method of enforcement will be some type of "DO NOT SPAM" list that will be placed in effect.

There is a 2003 "CAN SPAM" Act that was produced from Congress. This is just the beginning. Expect a few more as people try to get a handle on all of this email.

What the above anti SPAM measures will do is to make your email list that much more effective. In other words people will look at the mail from people they know.

The email CPA (Cost Per Action / Sale ) deals will become harder to come by, Yet those that you can get will be much more effective as the UCE is eliminated.

I still like Email as a marketing tool. However, your email list has to be legitimate or your prospects will just hit the "delete all" button. Check you list before beginning a campaign. Ask to speak with current customers using the list. Ask those customers what percentage of SPAM complaints that they are getting.

The bottom line is that your advertising campaign should produce sales - not problems, or even worse death threats. Put your money in an advertising campaign that will produce. Pay attention to the list that you are purchasing. If it looks to good to be true then it definitely is going to come back and haunt you.


David Peterson

David Peterson

Author of: 

Been There - Done That

David Peterson's Search Engine Optimization Guide

Please send all correspondence to: questions@usreference.com



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